锐单电子商城 , 一站式电子元器件采购平台!
  • 电话:400-990-0325


时间:2024-05-25 20:37:11

;This program will show you cycle glitter between 8 led lamps;     maker:Chen Weiwu;     date:2012-11-08;     version:1.0.0;-------------------------------------------------------------;DefineLedprt     equ          p0SegDisplay   equ          p2L1       equ          30hl3       equ          32hbutton1     equ          p1.0button2     equ          p1.2button3     equ          p1.4button4     equ          p1.6;----------------------;Set the initiation address which the program runing;----------------------        org        0        ajmp       main;----------------------Pattern1:        mov        dptr,#Table1        acall       Cycle        jnb        button1,Pattern1     ;Button is enable        mov        Ledprt,#11111111B     ;Button is unable        ret        ;-----------------------        Pattern2:        mov        dptr,#Table2        acall       Cycle        jnb        button2,Pattern2     ;Button is enable        mov        Ledprt,#11111111B     ;Button is unable        ret;-----------------------Pattern3:        mov        dptr,#Table3              acall       Cycle        jnb        button3,Pattern3     ;Button is enable        mov        Ledprt,#11111111B     ;Button is unable        ret;-----------------------Pattern4:        mov        dptr,#Table4              acall       Cycle        jnb        button4,Pattern4     ;Button is enable        mov        Ledprt,#11111111B     ;Button is unable        ret;-----------------------      Cycle:        ;----------------------        clr        a        movc       a,@a+dptr        mov        r0,a        inc        dptr        ;----------------------Loop:             clr        a        movc       a,@a+dptr        mov         Ledprt,a        acall       delay        inc        dptr        djnz       r0,Loop        ret;-----------------------;-----------------------;delay sectiondelay:     mov        r5,#50delay1:     mov        r6,#100DELAY2:     mov        r7,#10        djnz       r7,$        djnz       r6,delay2        djnz       r5,delay1        ret;-----------------------Table1:     db        Table2-$-1        db        11111110b        db        11111101b        db        11111011b        db        11110111b        db        11101111b        db        11011111b        db        10111111b        db        01111111b        Table2:     db        Table3-$-1        db        01111110b        db        10111101b        db        11011011b        db        11100111b        db        11011011b        db        10111101b                Table3:     db        Table4-$-1           db        01010101b        db        00000000b        db        10101010b        db        00000000b                 Table4:     db        TableEnd-$-1        db        11111110b        db        11111100b        db        11111000b        db        11110000b        db        11100000b        db        11000000b        db        10000000b        db        00000000b                 db        00000001b        db        00000011b        db        00001111b        db        00011111b        db        00111111b        db        01111111b        db        11111111b                              TableEnd:;-----------------------main:      mov        SegDisplay,#00H        jb        button1,To2        mov        SegDisplay,#01H        Acall       Pattern1To2:                jb        button2,To3        mov        SegDisplay,#02H        Acall       Pattern2To3:                jb        button3,To4        mov        SegDisplay,#03H        Acall       Pattern3To4:        jb        button4,main        mov        SegDisplay,#04H        Acall       Pattern4                ajmp       Main;-----------------------        end;-------------------------------------------------------------

-电子元器件采购网(www.ruidan.com)是本土元器件目录分销商,采用“小批量、现货、样品”销售模式,致力于满足客户多型号、高质量、快速交付的采购需求。 自建高效智能仓储,拥有自营库存超过50,000种,提供一站式正品现货采购、个性化解决方案、选型替代等多元化服务。
