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深度学习论文: Computer Vision for Road Imaging and Pothole Detection: A State-of-the-Art Review

时间:2023-09-23 05:37:02 2204传感器

深度学习论文: Computer Vision for Road Imaging and Pothole Detection: A State-of-the-Art Review of Systems and Algorithms
Computer Vision for Road Imaging and Pothole Detection: A State-of-the-Art Review of Systems and Algorithms
PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.13590.pdf
PyTorch代码: https://github.com/shanglianlm0525/CvPytorch
PyTorch代码: https://github.com/shanglianlm0525/PyTorch-Networks

1 概述


2 Road Imaging Systems

常用的道路成像系统包括:Laser scanners, Microsoft Kinect sensors 和 Stereo Camera(s)。


3 Road Pothole Detection Approaches

3-1 Classical 2-D Image Processing

传统的2D图像处理主要涉及四个阶段:(1) image pre-processing, (2) image segmentation, (3) damaged area extraction, and (4) detection result post-processing。

3-2 3-D Point Cloud Modeling and Segmentation

3-D road point clouds方法主要分为两个阶段:(1) interpolating the observed 3-D road point cloud into an explicit geometric model (typically a planar or quadratic surface), and (2) segmenting the observed 3-D road point cloud by comparing it with the interpolated geometric model.

3-3 Machine/Deep Learning

3-3-1 Image Classification-Based Methods

3-3-2 Object Detection-Based Methods

3-3-3 Semantic Segmentation-Based Methods

3-4 Hybrid Methods

Hybrid 地坑缺陷通常采用两种或两种以上算法发现。

4 Public Datasets

1 road image classification
2 instance-level pothole detection
3 Indian roads with semantic segmentation
4 CIMAT Challenging Sequences for Autonomous Driving (CCSAD)
5 Japan road damage dataset
6 automatic pothole detection and localization in urban streets
7 binary road image classification
8 multi-modal road pothole detection dataset
9 Pothole-600

