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ardupilot@天穹飞控 计算遥杆控制量到加速度/速度

时间:2023-09-22 04:37:02 11206ac角速率传感器



  • 目录
  • 摘要
  • 1. 获得遥控器横滚/俯仰输入量转换为角度量
  • 2. 在飞机的地理坐标系下,目标水平滚动/俯仰角控制量转换为加速度和预测加速度
  • 3.期望加速度和预测加速度
  • 4. 如何使用预期速度?
    • 1.更新目标位置
    • 2.控制前馈速度
  • 5.获得姿态控量
  • 6.控制天空飞控位置实现逻辑逻辑
    • 1.遥杆变化转换为无人机速度控制。


本节主要记录ardupilot 计算遥控器水平滚动,将俯仰控制量转换为目标预期加速度和预测加速度,然后将其转换为预期加速度,并结合天空飞行控制代码获取目标速度。写这篇文章的目的,ardupilot的loiter刹车不是很好,希望能找到更好的loiter制动控制效果,欢迎批评指正,一起讨论!在查看代码之前,请注意两个坐标系、身体坐标系和地理坐标系,以及哪个坐标系控制量。

1. 获得遥控器横滚/俯仰输入量转换为角度量

     ///定义目标水平滚动角度         float target_roll, target_pitch;         //---- apply SIMPLE mode transform to pilot inputs         update_simple_mode();          ///将飞行员转换到倾斜角度--- convert pilot input to lean angles         get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(target_roll, target_pitch, loiter_nav->get_angle_max_cd(),           attitude_control->get_althold_lean_angle_max()); 

关键函数是get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(target_roll, target_pitch, loiter_nav->get_angle_max_cd(),

  • 该函数的形参:target_roll, target_pitch, loiter_nav->get_angle_max_cd(),
void Mode::get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(float &roll_out, float &pitch_out, float angle_max, float angle_limit) const { 
             //油门故障检查------ throttle failsafe check     if (copter.failsafe.radio || !copter.ap.rc_receiver_present)     { 
                 roll_out = 0;         pitch_out = 0;         return;     }     ///获得横滚和俯仰输入----- fetch roll and pitch inputs     roll_out = channel_roll->get_control_in() pitch_out = channel_pitch->get_control_in(); //限制最大倾斜角度----- limit max lean angle angle_limit = constrain_float(angle_limit, 1000.0f, angle_max); // scale roll and pitch inputs to ANGLE_MAX parameter range //将横滚和俯仰输入缩放到角度_最大参数范围 float scaler = angle_max/(float)ROLL_PITCH_YAW_INPUT_MAX; //最大不超过45度 roll_out *= scaler; pitch_out *= scaler; //做循环限制------ do circular limit float total_in = norm(pitch_out, roll_out); if (total_in > angle_limit) { 
          float ratio = angle_limit / total_in; //2/2gen2 roll_out *= ratio; pitch_out *= ratio; } // do lateral tilt to euler roll conversion //进行横向倾斜到欧拉俯仰角转换,范围不超过【-17 +17】度 //这里进行的处理应该是:横滚角度=artan(rzy,rzz)=arctan(sin(r)cos(p)/cos(r)/cos(p)) //roll=arctan(sin(r)cos(p)/cos(r)/cos(p))=arctan(cosp*tanr/1)也就是把cosp设置最大值,roll有最小值 roll_out = (18000/M_PI) * atanf(cosf(pitch_out*(M_PI/18000))*tanf(roll_out*(M_PI/18000))); // roll_out and pitch_out are returned } 


2. 目标横滚/俯仰角度控制量转换成飞行器的地理坐标系下加速度及预测加速度

void AC_Loiter::set_pilot_desired_acceleration(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float dt)
    // Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
    const float euler_roll_angle = radians(euler_roll_angle_cd*0.01f);    //转换成了弧度
    const float euler_pitch_angle = radians(euler_pitch_angle_cd*0.01f);  //转换成了弧度

    //convert our desired attitude to an acceleration vector assuming we are hovering
    const float pilot_cos_pitch_target = constrain_float(cosf(euler_pitch_angle), 0.5f, 1.0f);  //限制在0-60度
    const float pilot_accel_rgt_cms = GRAVITY_MSS*100.0f * tanf(euler_roll_angle)/pilot_cos_pitch_target;
    const float pilot_accel_fwd_cms = -GRAVITY_MSS*100.0f * tanf(euler_pitch_angle);

    //旋转加速度矢量到地理坐标系lat/lon坐标系------ rotate acceleration vectors input to lat/lon frame
    _desired_accel.x = (pilot_accel_fwd_cms*_ahrs.cos_yaw() - pilot_accel_rgt_cms*_ahrs.sin_yaw());
    _desired_accel.y = (pilot_accel_fwd_cms*_ahrs.sin_yaw() + pilot_accel_rgt_cms*_ahrs.cos_yaw());

    // difference between where we think we should be and where we want to be
    Vector2f angle_error(wrap_PI(euler_roll_angle - _predicted_euler_angle.x), wrap_PI(euler_pitch_angle - _predicted_euler_angle.y));
    // calculate the angular velocity that we would expect given our desired and predicted attitude
    _attitude_control.input_shaping_rate_predictor(angle_error, _predicted_euler_rate, dt);
    // update our predicted attitude based on our predicted angular velocity
    _predicted_euler_angle += _predicted_euler_rate * dt;

    // convert our predicted attitude to an acceleration vector assuming we are hovering
    const float pilot_predicted_cos_pitch_target = cosf(_predicted_euler_angle.y);
    const float pilot_predicted_accel_rgt_cms = GRAVITY_MSS*100.0f * tanf(_predicted_euler_angle.x)/pilot_predicted_cos_pitch_target;
    const float pilot_predicted_accel_fwd_cms = -GRAVITY_MSS*100.0f * tanf(_predicted_euler_angle.y);

    // rotate acceleration vectors input to lat/lon frame
    _predicted_accel.x = (pilot_predicted_accel_fwd_cms*_ahrs.cos_yaw() - pilot_predicted_accel_rgt_cms*_ahrs.sin_yaw());
    _predicted_accel.y = (pilot_predicted_accel_fwd_cms*_ahrs.sin_yaw() + pilot_predicted_accel_rgt_cms*_ahrs.cos_yaw());



    //convert our desired attitude to an acceleration vector assuming we are hovering
    const float pilot_cos_pitch_target = constrain_float(cosf(euler_pitch_angle), 0.5f, 1.0f);  //限制在0-60度
    const float pilot_accel_rgt_cms = GRAVITY_MSS*100.0f * tanf(euler_roll_angle)/pilot_cos_pitch_target;
    const float pilot_accel_fwd_cms = -GRAVITY_MSS*100.0f * tanf(euler_pitch_angle);


对于上面的正负号,不一致,原因在于ardupilot规定 横滚左负,右正;俯仰,上正,下负。






void AC_Loiter::calc_desired_velocity(float nav_dt)
	static Vector2f  lastVelCtlTarget;
    bool desired_accel_is_zero=0; //定义加速度
    bool desired_vel_is_zero=0;   //定义速度
    float brake_increment=0;
    float ekfGndSpdLimit, ekfNavVelGainScaler;

    ym_log_nav_dt=nav_dt; //这个值大概在0.0015-0.0025

    AP::ahrs_navekf().getEkfControlLimits(ekfGndSpdLimit, ekfNavVelGainScaler);
    ym_log_ekfGndSpdLimit=ekfGndSpdLimit; //400
    float gnd_speed_limit_cms = MIN(_speed_cms, ekfGndSpdLimit*100.0f); //最小地速限制
    gnd_speed_limit_cms = MAX(gnd_speed_limit_cms, LOITER_SPEED_MIN);
    ym_log_gnd_speed_limit_cms=gnd_speed_limit_cms; //1200
    float pilot_acceleration_max = GRAVITY_MSS*100.0f * tanf(radians(get_angle_max_cd()*0.01f));

    //检查nav_dt 范围------ range check nav_dt
    if (nav_dt < 0)

    //get loiters desired velocity from the position controller where it is being stored.
    const Vector3f &desired_vel_3d = _pos_control.get_desired_velocity();
    Vector2f desired_vel(desired_vel_3d.x,desired_vel_3d.y);

    // update the desired velocity using our predicted acceleration
    desired_vel.x += _predicted_accel.x * nav_dt;
    desired_vel.y += _predicted_accel.y * nav_dt; //【-292 294】

    ymv_log_predicted_speed_x=_predicted_accel.x * nav_dt;          //速度x
    ymv_log_predicted_speed_y=_predicted_accel.y * nav_dt;          //速度y

    log_desired_vel_x=desired_vel.x;          //目标速度x 【-401 351】
    log_desired_vel_y=desired_vel.y;          //目标速度y 【-832 766】
    Vector2f loiter_accel_brake; //查查加速度
    float desired_speed = desired_vel.length(); //计算速度长度

    if (!desired_vel_is_zero)//当有目标速度时执行
        Vector2f desired_vel_norm = desired_vel/desired_speed;

        // TODO: consider using a velocity squared relationship like
        // pilot_acceleration_max*(desired_speed/gnd_speed_limit_cms)^2;
        // the drag characteristic of a multirotor should be examined to generate a curve
        // we could add a expo function here to fine tune it
        //calculate a drag acceleration based on the desired speed.
        float drag_decel = pilot_acceleration_max*desired_speed/gnd_speed_limit_cms;  //一半的阻力限制
        // calculate a braking acceleration if sticks are at zero
        float loiter_brake_accel = 0.0f; //如果摇杆为零,计算一个刹车加速度

        if (desired_accel_is_zero) //开始进行刹车,否则不进行刹车操作
            if ((AP_HAL::millis()-_brake_timer) > _brake_delay * 1000.0f)
                float brake_gain = _pos_control.get_vel_xy_pid().kP() * 0.5f; //刹车增益是0.5
                //计算刹车加速度 //float error, float p, float second_ord_lim, float dt
                loiter_brake_accel = constrain_float(AC_AttitudeControl::sqrt_controller
                		(desired_speed, brake_gain, _brake_jerk_max_cmsss, nav_dt), 0.0f
						, _brake_accel_cmss);
        } else
            loiter_brake_accel = 0.0f;
            _brake_timer = AP_HAL::millis();

        _brake_accel += constrain_float(brake_increment, -_brake_jerk_max_cmsss*nav_dt,
        // update the desired velocity using the drag and braking accelerations
        desired_speed = MAX(desired_speed-(drag_decel+_brake_accel)*nav_dt,0.0f);

        desired_vel = desired_vel_norm*desired_speed; //得到实时运动的速度

    _desired_accel -= loiter_accel_brake;

    // Apply EKF limit to desired velocity - this limit is calculated by the EKF and adjusted as required to ensure certain sensor limits are respected (eg optical flow sensing)
    float horizSpdDem = desired_vel.length();
    if (horizSpdDem > gnd_speed_limit_cms)
        desired_vel.x = desired_vel.x * gnd_speed_limit_cms / horizSpdDem;
        desired_vel.y = desired_vel.y * gnd_speed_limit_cms / horizSpdDem;

    // Limit the velocity to prevent fence violations
    // TODO: We need to also limit the _desired_accel
    AC_Avoid *_avoid = AP::ac_avoid(); //避障使用
    if (_avoid != nullptr)
        _avoid->adjust_velocity(_pos_control.get_pos_xy_p().kP(), _accel_cmss, desired_vel, nav_dt);

    // send adjusted feed forward acceleration and velocity back to the Position Controller
    _pos_control.set_desired_accel_xy(_desired_accel.x, _desired_accel.y);
    _pos_control.set_desired_velocity_xy(desired_vel.x, desired_vel.y);


    desired_vel.x += _predicted_accel.x * nav_dt;
    desired_vel.y += _predicted_accel.y * nav_dt; //【-292 294】


        if (desired_accel_is_zero) //开始进行刹车,否则不进行刹车操作
    _desired_accel -= loiter_accel_brake;



4. 期望速度后续如何使用


void AC_PosControl::desired_vel_to_pos(float nav_dt)
    //nav_dt范围检查---- range check nav_dt
    if (nav_dt < 0)

    // 更新目标位置-----update target position
    if (_flags.reset_desired_vel_to_pos)
        _flags.reset_desired_vel_to_pos = false;
    } else
        _pos_target.x += _vel_desired.x * nav_dt; //当前位置=上次位置+速度×时间
        _pos_target.y += _vel_desired.y * nav_dt;


    //增加速度前馈------ add velocity feed-forward
    _vel_target.x += _vel_desired.x;
    _vel_target.y += _vel_desired.y;

这个代码在void AC_PosControl::run_xy_controller(float dt)中

void AC_PosControl::run_xy_controller(float dt)
    float ekfGndSpdLimit, ekfNavVelGainScaler;
    AP::ahrs_navekf().getEkfControlLimits(ekfGndSpdLimit, ekfNavVelGainScaler);
    Vector3f curr_pos = _inav.get_position();
    float kP = ekfNavVelGainScaler * _p_pos_xy.kP(); // scale gains to compensate for noisy optical flow measurement in the EKF

    //避免被零除--- avoid divide by zero
    if (kP <= 0.0f)
        _vel_target.x = 0.0f;
        _vel_target.y = 0.0f;
    } else
        //计算距离误差------calculate distance error
        _pos_error.x = _pos_target.x - curr_pos.x; //位置误差x=目标位置-当前位置
        _pos_error.y = _pos_target.y - curr_pos.y; //位置误差y=目标位置-当前位置

        // Constrain _pos_error and target position
        // Constrain the maximum length of _vel_target to the maximum position correction velocity
        // TODO: replace the leash length with a user definable maximum position correction
        if (limit_vector_length(_pos_error.x, _pos_error.y, _leash))
            _pos_target.x = curr_pos.x + _pos_error.x;
            _pos_target.y = curr_pos.y + _pos_error.y;
        _vel_target = sqrt_controller(_pos_error, kP, _accel_cms);

    //增加速度前馈------ add velocity feed-forward
    _vel_target.x += _vel_desired.x;
    _vel_target.y += _vel_desired.y;

    // the following section converts desired velocities in lat/lon directions to accelerations in lat/lon frame
    Vector2f accel_target, vel_xy_p, vel_xy_i, vel_xy_d;

    // check if vehicle velocity is being overridden
    if (_flags.vehicle_horiz_vel_override)
        _flags.vehicle_horiz_vel_override = false;
    } else
        _vehicle_horiz_vel.x = _inav.get_velocity().x;  //获取当前速度
        _vehicle_horiz_vel.y = _inav.get_velocity().y;  //获取当前速度

    //计算速度误差------calculate velocity error
    _vel_error.x = _vel_target.x - _vehicle_horiz_vel.x;
    _vel_error.y = _vel_target.y - _vehicle_horiz_vel.y;

    log_vel_desired_x=_vel_desired.x;          //前馈速度x
    log_vel_target_x=_vel_target.x ;           //目标速度x
    log_curr_vel_x=_vehicle_horiz_vel.x;       //当前速度x
    log_vel_error_x= _vel_error.x ;            //当前速度x误差
    log_vel_desired_y=_vel_desired.y;          //前馈速度x
    log_vel_target_y=_vel_target.y ;           //目标速度x
    log_curr_vel_y=_vehicle_horiz_vel.y;       //当前速度x
    log_vel_error_y =_vel_error.y;             //当前速度x

    // TODO: constrain velocity error and velocity target

    // call pi controller

    //获取p--- get p
    vel_xy_p = _pid_vel_xy.get_p(); 
